Friday, September 19, 2008

Electricity Operational And Computer Restored

I tried everything I could think of to return my computer to normal operation with no luck, until "nCleaner". It's freeware that apparently can go where others can't and avoids malware defenses that other commercial software doesn't. Anyway it seems to have done the trick for now.

Here's a few pictures just to test my connection and show I'm still alive and kickin'. My wife got to spend a week with me out here and took a few pictures herself. I also bought her a BB gun and started teaching her to shoot.

The water storage tank in the ground, before back filling and pushing up the berm which will keep it from freezing.

There was fire in the sky this day.


Sunday, September 14, 2008


My computer has slowed to a crawl and I haven't been able to correct the problem yet. Thinking hard about reinstalling XP Pro, SP3 once I have all the drivers collected and backed up.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Headed Back To The Ranch

It has been a short three weeks since I left, but two more hours of loading up, lunch, and a few hours rest will see my wife, Sharon and I back on the road to New Mexico.
She hasn't been there since March of 2006, when we signed the papers, and she is pretty excited to see how the place has changed.
We expect to make Mountainair before noon tomorrow and be out to our place in the early afternoon.