Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Working Out Ways To Beef Up Trailer Insulation

Q: Not really a question although I'm sure I could frame it as one if needed. Dennis Fulfer has been working out ways to beef up trailer insulation. Maybe you could compare notes.
Asked by Vanessa Vaile


A: I am very interested in that subject. In the Northern states I've seen many over-roofed and super-insulated fixed mobile homes. They do benefit from the added external insulation. The aesthetics are certainly not improved, however, except where owners have fully enclosed the home.

For a travel trailer like mine I have been thinking of adding a two-inch layer of foil-faced rigid foam in selected areas (foil face down) and over-coating it with three or four coats of HENRY'S white polymeric roof coat. That would not add greatly to the weight, would add about R5, would not be too terribly ugly, and would not interfere with relocating the trailer when required.

I count several engineers and builders among my friends, some of whom may have relevant experience and/or ideas about improving the QoL (quality-of-life) in their travel trailers. Discussion is invited.


Ask David a question.