To this point it has cost $31,045 exactly. Now we add the holding tank (2500 gallons for $850) and the pressure system (price to be determined). Then comes the water supply pipe and the 3 foot deep trench in which it is required to be placed. Building codes, you know.
In the next picture we have throttled the flow back to 5 gpm because free flow without a pressure system installed kept popping the control box breaker.
Another thing I did this morning was to make a screened vent in the corner where my cot goes.
On a hot day (coming up) the shack gets a little "primitive" and was in need of more air. That corner was a good choice. The vent started making cool air as soon as the cutout was removed.
The cutout is hinged at the bottom for "flow control". The vents on both ends of the shack under the rafters don't do much for cooling, but they do allow the hot air to escape. That little window looks pretty quaint, hey?
This is "Cot Corner".
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