Pulled in at dawn. And naturally I had to jump right out and take pictures.
The trailer was easier to position than I thought it would be. I'll be able to use existing structure to add summer time shelter for the trailer. The roof system will add rain water capture capability.
This the first phase position of the trailer. After I build the small deck between the shack and the trailer and set the posts for the shelter-roof ridge beam, I'll move the trailer two feet closer to the shack.
The Northeast fence gate is up as of today.
gates are both sixteen feet.
Looking North along the West fence from the mid line field brace.
Looking south along the West fence from the Northwest corner.
I'll be adding the stays to this section of fence tomorrow.
The Trailer power cord would not reach the 30 amp plug I had Frank Sedillo add to the shack.
Not his fault, as my location callout did not accurately consider the length of the cord. So I added a separate 30 amp breaker and another power plug on the Northwest corner.
I plan to add more text to this posting tomorrow morning, and to severely edit yesterday's posting which is still in draft, 'cause I screwed it up trying to be clever.
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