She came to live with us on July 4, 2002, when she was already 7 years old. Half Pitt Bull and half Boxer, she was at first very aggressive and territorial, she barked wildly at everyone and everything that passed in front of her house. But she learned quickly and she wanted to please us so much that her personality changed in just a matter of weeks to docile and friendly.
She loved kids and tolerated the most outrageous handling from them. When our grandchildren or the neighbors children were here, Brandy often wound up sleeping under a pile of kids like puppies do. She was gentle and loving and protective of them. In the last three years she was a frequent overnight guest of the family next door, and made it quite clear that they were members of her pack. Three days ago, when she barely had the strength to move, she made her way next door to see the kids and lay on the floor with them for an hour.
This morning her strength had left her completely. We sat with her, stroking her and telling her how much we loved her and what a great companion she was. She thumped her tail a few times, closed her eyes and went to sleep. We had already made arrangements with the vet to do what was necessary, so my wife and I made her comfortable in the back floor of our mini-van and took her to be put to sleep for the last time.
My wife had always been afraid of animals until Brandy came to live with us, but the last six years with Brandy as her companion and teacher have worked a wonderful change in her attitude, her understanding of a dogs language, and her appreciation for the kind of love that a good dog has to give. Brandy will be greatly missed.