Another link in the chain of actions and equipment is this 1980 Mack B646, 2 axle, small displacement diesel, 5 speed. It will haul our household goods to New Mexico, and will have paid for itself three times over in money saved by not dealing with any moving company.
My friend, and distant cousin, Tim Hardin looked it over throughly with a mechanics critical eye and we were both surprised at the good condition: 6 new tires, 4 new batteries, new clutch, starter, and alternator. It looks like it has another 400,000 miles left in it. And it was ridiculously inexpensive.
Hey, Bobby, did you ever see a Mack or a Stirling with the real tall long throw clutch pedal? This has one. Takes some getting used to!
Some more views of the area around where the house will be:
It is as level and easiest of access for placing the modular home as any location on the ranch.
Looking northeast from the power panel to the well house pad; a distance of 105 feet.
Tomorrow morning at dawn I'll drag a ladder down to the house site (20 feet left of the well house pad in the above picture) and try to duplicate the morning view we'll get from the south deck of the house when it's built. I want you all to see what I see.
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