I thought that alone was worthy of comment. Both dogs simply acted like the snake had disappeared and showed no further interest in it. These are "country dogs" that wandered in after being abandoned on the forest road. Tim and Wendy made them welcome and gave them status in the "pack" of their animals.
Only a little "attitude adjustment" was necessary regarding their relationship to the chickens, Pea Hens, and the geese. Most dogs believe that fowl are Gods gift to the canine world, and have to be educated to the contrary.
Also I have some good pictures of the first two posts in the ground for the carport. The only significance being that the concrete in which the posts are set was made with good water from our own well.
The water in the bucket is very clear and it was dipped right from the 217 gallon tank next to the well head.
The electrician will be here tomorrow afternoon to begin the process of installing the temporary post and meter so the CO-OP can bring in the power lines. We are going to have a triple drop 325 amp service; one line to the well pump, one line to the house, and one line to the ETS unit/heat pump installation.
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