Monday, June 23, 2008

A Good First Day

This is the evening of my first full day and I have made some progress. I got a post office box in the nearby town.
It's POBox 480, Mountainair, NM 87036. Since I'll be here on my 67th birthday, my wife insisted that there be someplace for family and friends to send the all the birthday cards I'm sure to get out here on my big adventure.
Also I went into Los Lunas (40 miles) and bought a Ridgid 10 inch Contractor Table Saw. It is totally corrosion proof. No cast iron or unt
reated steel. Perfect for resisting the affects of the sudden cloud bursts we get out here. The first important task I have assigned myself is building a door for the shack that opens and closes and latches and locks. That before anything else.
By the way, gas in Mountainair, where I filled up today was only $3.89.
I'm going to charge my laptop battery for a couple of hours and update my blog and write to my wife in the morning, so as to enjoy the cool air and not be distracted by the noise of my generator.

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