Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blue Sky at the Ranch

The weather in town and out here are remarkably different. 
The snow had only just stopped when Tim and I left the 
coffee shop, went to the post office, (only junk mail today) 
and then to Gustin's Hardware to buy several bales of
hay for the horses, and then headed out to our place.

Ten miles west of Mountainair we began to be able to see 
more than 50 miles across the Rio Grande valley to the 
snowy mountains, and beautiful blue sky.

The first and the last of these pictures are only an hour and 

seven minutes apart. We still have some cloud cover which 
is slowing the drying of the deck, but I expect to be able to 
do some work outside maybe as early as noon.

My next trip to Home Depot I'm going to buy a squeegee 

to enable me to just push the water off the deck rather 
than using a broom or waiting for it to evaporate.

In the meantime I am experimenting with the formatting 

of my emails (shorter sentence lines) to see if I can create 
text that can be copied directly into my "BLOGGER" 
editor without needing to be re-adjusted before publishing.

I've pretty much given up on using the "WINDOWS LIVE 

WRITER" program that I used yesterday to write the High 
Boondocks Home blog mostly because of the way it handles 
(read that,"mishandles") pictures and other graphics.

Tentatively I'll be working on actual wall structure today, 
so I hope to have a picture or two worth sending.


There is supposed to be another even bigger storm coming 

in on Friday, but I really don't anticipate getting snowed in. 
The big Dodge is very happy in 4WD and handles the mud 
and snow easily.  Not that we have seen anything really 
serious yet.


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