Friday, January 22, 2010

A Soup and Movie Day

Not much to look at, but you can get the sense of it.
Two inches of snow in the first hour and still falling.
Visibility around 150 feet. The snow is very crunchy.

My camera somehow got set an hour ahead. Now when
the time stamp says 08:30 it's actually 07:30. I haven't
been able to make it change back and stay that way.

I'll take pictures every hour or so today and post a few on my blog.


So here we are at noon of the same day and the 
temperature is rising into the 50's. The snow is turning 
rapidly to slush. If it keeps on like this, by sundown 4WD
will be required just to get to the gate!

                                And the visibility is about a mile.


I stuck a  tape measure in the snow and it was 
only 2 1/2 inches. Oh well!


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