Thursday, January 21, 2010

Freezing With Snow Flurries


About noon there were a few light snow flurries and the
temperature fell below freezing. I know this because the 

pan of dog's water froze over almost as I was looking at 

I knew it was brisk and there had been a solid cloud cover 

for over two hours before, but I was not uncomfortably 
cold at all.

After looking at the porch thermometer on the shack, I
decided to honor my promise to come in from the cold. So 

I put my tools and glue away, gave the dogs two biscuits 
each and grabbed my camera.

Today I installed one more stud, making it ten feet of wall 
so far, put on eight feet of upper wall plate, and added two 
more braces to ensure that the wall remains plumb and 
square. Right now it is perfectly so.

One of the braces I added today is the second diagonal 

brace that extends past the end of the stud assembly, and 
the second brace added today is the 2x4 that goes from 
the porch post to the doubled stud. I put it up there so I 
wouldn't trip over it. It will remain in place until I install 
one of the second floor support beams along the same line.  


This weather today was not specifically forecast. It seems 
to have just developed. Tomorrow is supposed to be bad. 
That remains to be seen too.

I'm going to check the weather in Belen and Los Lunas 

now, and if it's OK I'm going to get more lumber. I want 
to make sure I have material on hand to build with when 
the weather permits.

Please DO NOT WORRY about me. I am being careful, 

and for some reason, my hands, knees and feet are not 
bothering me
at all. I would have expected my arthritis to be acting up 

in the cold, but actually I feel better. 

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